%A NIM.: 18107030025 Dika Oktaviana %O Pembimbing: Drs. Bono Setyo, M.Si. %T POLA KOMUNIKASI JARAK JAUH ANTARA ORANG TUA DAN ANAK DALAM MENJAGA KEHARMONISAN KELUARGA (STUDI KUALITATIF PADA FORUM IKATAN KELUARGA PELAJAR MAHASISWA KOTA LUBUKLINGGAU SUMATERA SELATAN YOGYAKARTA) %X Communication is an activity carried out by humans. Long distance becomes a barrier for parents and children when they have to live separately. Communication between parents and children at the IKPM Forum in Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra, Yogyakarta, before they lived separately, of course, communication went well because they often met differently when they had to live separately because their children had to continue their studies outside the city. The purpose of this research is to analyze how long-distance communication patterns between parents and children maintain family harmony at the IKPM Orum Forum, Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra, Yogyakarta and to analyze what are the inhibiting factors in their communication. The method used in this research is a qualitative study, the data obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the dominant communication used by parents and children in maintaining family harmony at the IKPM Forum of Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra, namely interactional communication patterns using the four aspects of family harmony in maintaining family harmony and obstacles in this communication, namely technical and human barriers. %K Pola Komunikasi, Keharmonisan Keluarga, Komunikasi Jarak Jauh %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56725