@mastersthesis{digilib56762, month = {December}, title = {MANAJEMEN PEMASARAN UNTUK PENINGKATAN MUTU DI SD ISLAM BUNGA BANGSA SAMARINDA}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 18204090040 Syahrul Ramadhan}, year = {2022}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Nur Saidah, S.Ag, M.Ag}, keywords = {Manajemen Pemasaran Pendidikan, Marketing Mix, Mutu Pendidikan}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/56762/}, abstract = {This research is motivated by the paradigm of many people who still think that private schools are educational institutions with high costs but are not balanced with the quality of their educational services. So that there is an interest in conducting research on the Bunga Bangsa Islamic Elementary School in Samarinda which is able to maintain its existence and can create a lot of interest from parents or the community as consumers. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with a naturalistic type. Key informan in this study were the Head of the Samarinda Bunga Bangsa Foundation, the Principal of the Samarinda Bunga Bangsa Islamic Elementary School, teachers and guardians of students. Data collection was carried out using observation techniques, structured interviews and documentation. While data analysis uses the approach popularized by Miles and Huberman which consists of 3 (three) phases, namely data reduction, data presentation, verification or drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The Marketing Concept begins with planning to form marketing tools, organizing, namely forming the structure of the marketing committee and PSB team, determining job description, implementation is all marketing activities up to PSB and the dissolution of the committee as well as control or supervision which starts at the beginning of the process to the end of the educational marketing activities. 2) Implementation of Educational Marketing through elements marketing mix, Product namely the quality assurance standard of graduates offered. Price is the total cost education paid by the parents of the students. Place namely the location or place where the educational institution is located with a strategic location, access that does not have the potential to jam, and a favorable climate for the institutiongreen school. Promotion is a series of activities to convey information or offer educational services through the mediaonline, print media, event, and activitiesparents meeting. People is a series of activities recruitmen, quality development, development and maintenance of human resources. Physical Evidence is an effort to provide educational services through qualified school facilities and infrastructure and media for evaluating learning activities through the BORNEO application. Process are all forms of preparation and implementation of educational services. 3) Three components of education quality, Education Output where students are able to master the material and achieve graduate learning standards and get learning development as evidenced by student achievements. The education process, educational services in teaching and learning activities can run effectively and efficiently by using the national curriculum, international curriculum Cambridge and the curriculum of the Qur'an learning foundation with the UMMI method, a conducive, safe and comfortable learning environment, educators and educational staff who are competent and in accordance with qualifications, adequate facilities and infrastructure are also well maintained, educational costs are still relatively easy to reach as well as through a discount program or discount to reduce the cost of education. Education Input, Bunga Bangsa Islamic Elementary School in Samarinda is able to produce new students according to predetermined criteria and conditions.} }