%0 Thesis
%9 Skripsi
%A Arfilansyah, NIM.: 18103080084
%D 2022
%F digilib:56908
%K agrarian law; customary leaders; Islamic law; hukum adat
%P 111
%U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/56908/
%X Indonesia is a country that is rich in culture, there are many kinds of culture, one of which is Lampung Province. Lampung Province has clans, one of which is the Dantaran clan, which is located in South Lampung Regency. The majority of the livelihoods of the residents of Karang Sari Village are farmers. In people's lives, there are many problems that exist today, agrarian conflicts are one of the most controversial conflicts. Every indigenous people has a leader or leader who is respected and obeyed. In the system of customary governance, the customary law community of the Dantaran clan is led by the highest leader, Prince Saibaitin, the Dantaran clan. The traditional leaders of the dantaran clan can act as social mediators to resolve conflicts. The existence of traditional leaders is very helpful for the government in resolving conflicts that occur in the community.  This research study seeks to answer the main questions about how the efforts made by the traditional leaders of the Dantaran clan in helping to resolve agrarian conflicts in the community and whether the methods used by traditional leaders are in accordance with Islamic principles. The type of research used is field research (Field Research), the nature of the research is descriptive qualitative analysis that uses a normative juridical approach. This research is sourced from primary data obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation, while secondary data is obtained by conducting library research in the form of the Qur'an, Hadith, laws and regulations, opinions of scholars, journals, documents, as well as books and other scientific works.  Based on the results of the research obtained, it is stated that the efforts made by the traditional leaders of the Dantaran clan are very helpful in overcoming agrarian conflicts in the community, this is because of the existence of the traditional leaders of the Dantaran clan, the community can make the role of traditional leaders to ask for help and as a mediator. The traditional leaders of the Dantaran clan have a method used in resolving agrarian conflicts in the community, Prince Naga Bringsang as the traditional leader prioritizes deliberation, consensus and politeness. The efforts made by the traditional leaders of the Dantaran clan are based on the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA) with the aim of being fair and prosperous. Judging from a review of Islamic law, the role of the traditional leaders of the Dantaran clan uses the concept of mutual assistance. The traditional leaders of the Dantaran clan actualize it according to what Allah has commanded in the Qur'an and Hadith.
%Z Pembimbing: Surur Roiqoh, M. H.