%A NIM.: 18103080073 Syafi’atul Luthfiyyah %O Pembimbing: Drs. H. Syafaul Mudawam, M.A., M.M %T ANALISIS ETIKA BISNIS ISLAM PADA KEGIATAN JUAL BELI LELANG SECARA “ONLINE” DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM EKONOMI SYARI’AH %X In this all-digital era, buying and selling activities are not only carried out face to face but buying and selling are also carried out online. One of them is buying and selling auctions online on social media. Auction activities on social media have many problems, such as fraud under the guise of an auction, items obtained do not match those described, and so on. This causes harm to consumers and violates the principles of business ethics in Islam, namely: unity, justice, freedom, responsibility, and ihsan. Therefore, further research is needed regarding online auction buying and selling activities so that buying and selling are carried out by Islamic business ethics recommended by the shari'a. This type of research uses qualitative research methods. That is research that presents the situation that was happening at the time the research took place by presenting the circumstances that occurred and using a descriptive-analytical approach, namely an approach that describes what happened with the analysis of the data that has been obtained. Data collection techniques were obtained through observation, interviews, and data analysis. Data collection techniques were carried out on several consumers by taking random samples (probability sampling). The results of this study conclude that online auction activities on social media are following Islamic business ethics. And well done as long as consumers can be more careful in choosing sellers. A transaction must be protected from the characteristics of zalim, masyir, gharar, riya', usury, and haram. This is concluded by looking at the results of observations, interviews, and data analysis with consumers that have been obtained. In the flow of online auction transactions on social media, there are several steps: paying close attention to the details of the items to be bid, submitting bids, complying with the auction deadline (extend time), reaching an agreement (contract), and making transactions. In addition, in carrying out online auctions on social media, transactions can be canceled using khiyar so as not to harm any party and can provide convenience for consumers. %K Islamic Business Ethics; auction; sharia economics %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib56910