%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Irfan Fais, NIM.: 17102020075 %B FAKULTAS DAKWAH DAN KOMUNIKASI %D 2022 %F digilib:57178 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K bimbingan pra nikah; metode langsung; premarital guidance; harmonious family %P 137 %T BIMBINGAN PRA NIKAH DALAM MEMBENTUK KELUARGA HARMONIS DI KUA KAPANEWON BANGUNTAPAN BANTUL D.I. YOGYAKARTA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/57178/ %X This research was triggered by a phenomenon that often occurs between husband and wife who experience divorce. there are so many things that cause divorce, one of which is the frequent occurrence of quarrels between husband and wife in married life. Of course this is not wanted by everyone because it is detrimental to many parties in a family. so that there are many methods that can be used to stop the divorce rate, one of which is with marriage guidance activities or pre-marital guidance which is carried out before the prospective husband and wife enter into a marriage contract. One of the institutions engaged in this field is the KUA Districts Banguntapan which aims to serve the community in the religious field, especially marriage. Based on this background, this study aims to describe how the method of pre-marital guidance in forming a harmonious family. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach, with several subjects such as heads of KUA, extension workers and prospective brides at KUA Districts Banguntapan, Bantul, D.I.Yogyakarta. The object of this research is the method of pre-marital guidance in forming a harmonious family. Then for data collection through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study show that through pre-marital counseling which is carried out classically (groups) and independently, they are able to form a harmonious family. A harmonious family can be influenced by 4 factors, namely an open attitude, an attitude of trust, an attitude of acceptance and a supportive attitude so that this can be the key to forming a harmonious family life. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. H. Muhsin Kalida, S.Ag., M.A., M.Pd.