@phdthesis{digilib57201, month = {October}, title = {PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS WEB STATIS PADA MATERI POKOK LISTRIK DINAMIS UNTUK SISWA SMA/MA}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 07690042 Aisyah Ummu Labiiq}, year = {2011}, note = {Pembimbing: Widayanti, M.Si dan Winarti, M.Pd.Si}, keywords = {Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran, Web Statis, Listrik Dinamis}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/57201/}, abstract = {This study is detailed evaluation for the development of physical educational multimedia system. Purposes of this study are: (1) developing static web to main topic electricity, (2) evaluate the quality of static web as a physical educational multimedia system. The evaluation instrument are questionare that filled by two web experts, physic expert, and five physics Senior High School?s teachers in Yogyakarta. The product of static web have a limited evaluation and an extensive evaluation to the Senior High School Student as user. Product evaluation including three aspects, they are web technical aspect, web content aspect, and web desain aspect. For extensive evaluation, added by motivation aspect. Product of this study is a static web to the electricity in order to physics educational multimedia system. Composed the content of electricity is based on KTSP curriculum for Senior High School Grade X. The product?s quality are Very Good (Sangat Baik/SB) based on web experts evaluation with percentage 90,45 \%, Very Good (Sangat Baik/SB) based on physics expert evaluation with percentage 94,71 \%, and Very Good (Sangat Baik/SB) based on physics Senior High School teachers with percentage 84,82 \%. Student?s reaction to the static web for extensive evaluation are Good (Baik/B) with percentage 78,18 \%. So, the static web product is proper to use as physics educational multimedia system for the electricity topic.} }