@phdthesis{digilib57242, month = {November}, title = {ALIH MEDIA PADA BAGIAN KOLEKSI LANGKA DI BADAN PERPUSTAKAAN DAN ARSIP DAERAH PROVINSI DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 09141006 Miftahul Manan}, year = {2011}, note = {Pembimbing: Drs. Budiyono, SIP}, keywords = {Alih Media, Koleksi langka, Perpustakaan Umum, Perpustakaan Daerah}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/57242/}, abstract = {Board of Local Library and Archive of Jogjakarta Province is one of the important places storing rare collection that needs to be media transferred. Such collection generally has historical, cultural, and information volue regarding knowledge. Thus its existance must be kept and maintained well, both phisycally and contentiously, so it can be used properly. However the one that becomes question is: How is actually the media transfer of collection in rare colection departement in boartd of local library and Archive of Jogjakarta Propince?. This such question becomes the starting point of this research. The author will subequently reveal the existing facts on the field as the answer to that question. The research aimed to know about: transfer oh media in rare colection departement which was performed by board of local library and active of Jogjakarta Province. The usage of this research was to give representative information of media transfer activity in rare colection department in board of local library and archive, Jogjakarta Province, as well as adding knowledge in ferms of media transfer in library sphere. This research used a descriptivequalitative approach. Data colection was performed by observation method, documentation and strengthened by interview. Data obtained was then expressed through destriptive-analytic method, in which explanation was properly conducted. Conclusing step used inductive method i.e. data analized was carefully destribed by systematic calculation, that was from the special to general thing. Digital Collections of old newspapers, rare books and manuscripts in the media over the Library Board and the Provincial Archives Special Region of Yogyakarta is currently administered in the community through service on-site reading. I.e. people who want access can directly come to the office of BPAD in Section Preservation of Library floor 2. for old newspapers Malioboro administered in unit, while the Ancient Manuscript and Rare Book administered in Subbid Preservation, TRM Unit 4. Because the element content is still scarce, until now not been melayankannya BPAD publicly through official agency website.} }