%A NIM.: 09141042 Dwi Julia Hargiyanti %O Pembimbing: Marwiyah, S.Ag., SS., M.Lis %T PRILAKU PEMUSTAKA DALAM MENELUSUR INFORMASI DI UPT PERPUSTAKAAN PUSAT UNIVERSITAS SEBELAS MARET SURAKARTA %X This study aims to determine the behavior pemustaka in tracing the source of information on the University's Central Library UPT Eleven March Surakarta. The results of this study is expected to increase insight in the field of library science and information, collection development, and increased service to pemustaka. This study is a descriptive study with quantitative approach, with the object of research students who have registered as a member of the Central University Library UPT Eleven March Surakrta.Dengan number of samples 100 responen. To obtain valid data the authors use several methods of data collection: questionnaires, interviews observasi.Indikator used to determine the behavior of the searcher is pemustaka pemustaka knowledge, information retrieval purposes, how to search information, and barriers in search kedala informari, usefulness of information. The conclusion from the results of this study is largely unknown pemustaka most service is a service circulation (approximately 58%). For the most known search tools mostly pemustaka the OPAC (approximately 63%). Nearly half pemustaka searcher in UPT Library UNS for the purpose of completing the task (41%). Type of collection that most of pemustaka often need in the library is a general collection (circulation) (54%). Most of the tools commonly used information retrieval pemustaka to search for information that is available in the library OPAC (77%). Almost half pemustaka formulate questions using the keyword subjects (45%). The reason almost half pemustaka not find the information you need is. collection is on loan (46%). Obstacles encountered in almost half pemustaka searcher is available in the library collection is being borrowed (44%). The function of the existence of information for almost half pemustaka is to answer a question facing (44%). Suggestions for UPT Library Center Surakarta University Eleven march is to continue to work to improve the promotion and user education so that the use of the library into good ore kedapannya %K Prilaku Pemustaka, Penelusuran Informasi, Kebutuhan Informasi %D 2011 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib57254