%A NIM.: 09141053 Lilik Layyina %O Pembimbing: M. Sholihin Arianto, S.Ag, SIP, M.LIS %T ANALISIS KEBIJAKAN PENGEMBANGAN KOLEKSI BUKU BADAN PERPUSTAKAAN DAN ARSIP DAERAH PROVINSI DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA DENGAN TEORI G. EDWARD EVANS %X The study, titled the book collection development policy analysis and Archives Regional Library Board Special Province of Yogyakarta with Theory G. Edward Evans has the purpose to find out whether the formulation of policies owned by the province of DIY whether BPAD has been in accordance with the theory that had been widely used by major libraries in the world in formulating a policy that is the theory by G. Edward Evans, so the formula can be assessed either. This research method using qualitative research methods with descriptive analysis approach. subject of this research is the development of a collection of books, being the object of research is on the book collection development policy analysis. This study is a study of the text, so the main method used is the method of documentation, but still using the interview method besifat petrified. Medium data analysis techniques based on the theory Milles and Huberman, namely Data Reduction (Reduction of Data), Data Display (Data Presentation), Conclusion Drawing / Verification (conclusion / verification). The research was based on the sub variables are taken from Evans theory, namely the organization's mission and objectives, an overview of the community served, service identification, collection parameters, collection of user searches, the main user category, format collection, identification selector policy, identify how to choose selectors , gifts, deseleksi / weeding, evaluation, complaints pemustaka. From the results of the comparison can be concluded that 12 sub-variables mentioned Evans, policy-making procedures have been made in accordance with the theory BPAD Evans, only a sub-variables that do not fit, that is about evaluating for BPAD has not been specifically evaluated. %K Pengembangan Koleksi, Teori G. Edward Evans, Analisis Kebijakan %D 2011 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib57257