<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "THE WILL AND THE PRESENCE OF HUMAN\r\nBEING IN ABU AL-HASAN AL-ASH’ARI’S\r\nTHOUGHT\r\nExplaining the Relation between Human and God in\r\nKalam Discourse"^^ . "This article tries to problematize the mainstream academic perspectives about\r\nfatalistic orientation and predetermined will of mankind attributed to the\r\nthoughts of Abu al-Hasan al-Asy’ari, founder of theological school in Islam\r\nnamed after his name. Benefited from phenomenological approach it proves that\r\nAsh’ari has conceptualized that mankind is free creature represented by his/\r\nher will as it is related to the will of God. This article argues that Ash’ari’s\r\nassertion that humankind has freedom is based on the fact that he/she has\r\nability to feel the presence of the will in his/her consciousness as something\r\nbelongs to him/her. Departing from the logic of Arabic linguistics, freedom is\r\ndefined as free will found in human being regardless of whether it is created by\r\nmankind or by God. Knowing that human will is created by God theologically\r\ndoesn’t mean that the will is predetermined in the state of consciousness due\r\nto the fact that al-Qur’an states that God has created a feeling of freedom\r\nfor human being to feel free not to feel being determined. Since the conception\r\nof being is elucidated linguistically by Ash’ari as being found by finder, this\r\nprojection has firmly been compatible with projection of phenomenological\r\nconsciousness. This article ends with conclusion that the feeling of will in\r\nthe sense of consciousness of it manifests human freedom without neglecting the will of God. This relation of two wills has enabled human being to be\r\naware of his/her freedom and God’s one as unseparated dualism in human\r\nreligious experience.\r\n[Artikel ini mencoba untuk melakukan problematisasi atas pandangan\r\npara sarjana mainsntream dalam diskursus teologi yang menyatakan bahwa\r\npemikiran Abu al-Hasan al-Asy’ari, pendiri mazhab Asy’ariah, adalah\r\nfatalistik. Lebih lanjut, artikel ini ingin membuktikan bahwa pemikiran\r\nAsy’ari mempunyai perhatian yang besar terhadap kebebasan manusia yang\r\ndirepresentasikan oleh adanya kehendak manusia yang berelasi dengan\r\nkehendak Tuhan dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Artikel ini menjelaskan\r\nbahwa Asy’ari menegaskan kebebasan manusia dengan argumentasi bahwa\r\nia mempunyai kehendak yang hadir dalam kesadarannya dan dinisbatkan\r\nkepadanya; orang yang berkehendak adalah orang yang mempunyai\r\nkehendak tanpa melihat siapa yang mewujudkan kehendak tersebut.\r\nMeskipun Tuhan menciptakan kehendak untuk manusia, tapi secara sadar\r\nkehendak itu dinisbatkan manusia. Pandangan Asy’ari tentang kehendak\r\ndan kebebasan manusia didasarkan pada logika Bahasa Arab dengan\r\nmenyatakan bahwa eksistensi adalah wujud yang ditemu oleh manusia yang\r\nmenemukan, mempunyai kesesuaian dengan fenomenologi yang menyatakan\r\nbahwa eksistensi adalah relasi kesadaran manusia terhadap wujud. Dalam\r\nkonteks ini, kehendak merupakan bukti yang paling kuat atas eksistensi\r\nmanusia yang bebas. Artikel ini berkesimpulan bahwa dalam pandangan\r\nAsy’ari manusia adalah makhluk yang bebas melalui kehendaknya tanpa\r\nharus mengkorbankan kehendak Tuhan. Lebih lanjut kehendak manusia\r\ndan Tuhan merupakan dualisme kesadaran eksistensialisme yang tak bisa\r\ndipisahkan dalam pengalaman kemanusiaan religius.]"^^ . "2021" . . "59" . "1" . . "Al-Jāmi‘ah: Journal of Islamic Studies"^^ . . . "0126012X23560912" . . . . . . . "-"^^ . "Mohammad Yunus Masrukhin"^^ . "- Mohammad Yunus Masrukhin"^^ . . . . . . "THE WILL AND THE PRESENCE OF HUMAN\r\nBEING IN ABU AL-HASAN AL-ASH’ARI’S\r\nTHOUGHT\r\nExplaining the Relation between Human and God in\r\nKalam Discourse (Text)"^^ . . . . . "8 yunus arab.pdf"^^ . . . "THE WILL AND THE PRESENCE OF HUMAN\r\nBEING IN ABU AL-HASAN AL-ASH’ARI’S\r\nTHOUGHT\r\nExplaining the Relation between Human and God in\r\nKalam Discourse (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "THE WILL AND THE PRESENCE OF HUMAN\r\nBEING IN ABU AL-HASAN AL-ASH’ARI’S\r\nTHOUGHT\r\nExplaining the Relation between Human and God in\r\nKalam Discourse (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "THE WILL AND THE PRESENCE OF HUMAN\r\nBEING IN ABU AL-HASAN AL-ASH’ARI’S\r\nTHOUGHT\r\nExplaining the Relation between Human and God in\r\nKalam Discourse (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "THE WILL AND THE PRESENCE OF HUMAN\r\nBEING IN ABU AL-HASAN AL-ASH’ARI’S\r\nTHOUGHT\r\nExplaining the Relation between Human and God in\r\nKalam Discourse (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "THE WILL AND THE PRESENCE OF HUMAN\r\nBEING IN ABU AL-HASAN AL-ASH’ARI’S\r\nTHOUGHT\r\nExplaining the Relation between Human and God in\r\nKalam Discourse (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #57501 \n\nTHE WILL AND THE PRESENCE OF HUMAN \nBEING IN ABU AL-HASAN AL-ASH’ARI’S \nTHOUGHT \nExplaining the Relation between Human and God in \nKalam Discourse\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Teologi" . .