@article{digilib57561, volume = {60}, title = {Negotiating Salaf{\=i} Islam and the State The Madkhaliyya in Indonesia}, author = {- Sunarwoto}, publisher = {Brill}, year = {2020}, pages = {205--234}, journal = {Die Welt des Islams}, keywords = {Salaf{\=i} Islam ? Salafism ? Madkhaliyya ? Indonesia ? government ? wal{\=i} l-amr ? education ? loyalism}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/57561/}, abstract = {The focus of this article is on the Salafiyya-Madkhaliyya in Indonesia, which takes its name from Saudi scholar Rab{\=i}? al-Madkhal{\=i}. After an account of how they emerged and developed in Indonesia, the relationship of the Madkhal{\=i}s with the state, which is based on a ?fiqh of obedience?, is analyzed. It is argued that, while this legal underpinning necessitates that they give total loyalty to the ruler (wal{\=i} l-amr, or {\=u}l{\=u} l-amr), the Indonesian Madkhal{\=i}s are unable to entirely follow this principle. The Madkhal{\=i}s have had to come to terms with the fact that Indonesia follows a democratic system, which, in fact, prevents the comprehensive accommodation of their Salaf{\=i} principles. The resulting ambiguities prove difficult to solve. It is argued here that the negotiation between Madkhal{\=i} Salaf{\=i}s and the Indonesian state is characterized by the constant efforts of the former to tackle those ambiguities.} }