%A Widha Lailatul Widha %A Rahmat Hayatul Khairul Rahmat %A Basri A Said Hasan Basri %J A Review of Mindfulness Therapy to Improve Psychological Well-being During the Covid-19 Pandemic %T A Review of Mindfulness Therapy to Improve Psychological Well-being During the Covid-19 Pandemic %X The existence of Covid-19 is a stressor for individuals which results in psychological problems such as anxiety, fear, and stress. These various psychological problems can affect the body's immunity to fight diseases caused by Covid-19, so it is very important to create a community order that can achieve psychological well-being so that it is tough in facing Covid-19. Efforts to develop psychological well-being in dealing with Covid-19 can be done by utilizing Mindfulness Therapy. The writing of this article uses a literature study. Using mindfulness therapy can effectively develop psychological well-being in dealing with Covid-19. %N 1 %K Covid-19 Pandemic; Mindfulness Therapy; Psychological Wellbeing. %P 383-390 %V 4 %D 2021 %I Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %R 2021-03-01 %L digilib57806