eprintid: 57806 rev_number: 19 eprint_status: archive userid: 12380 dir: disk0/00/05/78/06 datestamp: 2023-04-10 01:47:55 lastmod: 2023-04-10 01:47:55 status_changed: 2023-04-10 01:47:55 type: article metadata_visibility: show contact_email: a.basri@uin-suka.ac.id creators_name: Lailatul Widha, Widha creators_name: Hayatul Khairul Rahmat, Rahmat creators_name: A Said Hasan Basri, Basri title: A Review of Mindfulness Therapy to Improve Psychological Well-being During the Covid-19 Pandemic ispublished: pub subjects: PF subjects: psi_isl subjects: psiko_ag subjects: psikologi_remaja divisions: x_proc full_text_status: public keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic; Mindfulness Therapy; Psychological Wellbeing. abstract: The existence of Covid-19 is a stressor for individuals which results in psychological problems such as anxiety, fear, and stress. These various psychological problems can affect the body's immunity to fight diseases caused by Covid-19, so it is very important to create a community order that can achieve psychological well-being so that it is tough in facing Covid-19. Efforts to develop psychological well-being in dealing with Covid-19 can be done by utilizing Mindfulness Therapy. The writing of this article uses a literature study. Using mindfulness therapy can effectively develop psychological well-being in dealing with Covid-19. date: 2021-05-05 date_type: published publication: A Review of Mindfulness Therapy to Improve Psychological Well-being During the Covid-19 Pandemic volume: 4 number: 1 publisher: Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta pagerange: 383-390 id_number: 2021-03-01 refereed: TRUE issn: 2598-232X (online ISSN) & 2597-5250 (print ISSN) official_url: http://sunankalijaga.org/prosiding/index.php/icse/about referencetext: REFERENCES Awaliyah, A., & Listiyandini, R. A. 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A Review of Mindfulness Therapy to Improve Psychological Well-being During the Covid-19 Pandemic, 4 (1). pp. 383-390. ISSN 2598-232X (online ISSN) & 2597-5250 (print ISSN) document_url: https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/57806/1/PROC.pdf document_url: https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/57806/2/660