%A - Mutohar Lutfi %A - Khristianto %A - Arif Budiman %T A Pandemic Discourse Analysis: Trump’s Attitude on Covid 19 %X Racial discrimination and political power abuse have become serious problems which is can be examined and observed linguistically since the language has a strong relationship with the power, and the use of language within the power can be used to abuse and discriminate in any discourse such as political discourse. This study is associated with the critical discourse analysis to understand the usage of language in political discourse and social discourse using text analysis of systemic functional linguistics: appraisal system. The concern of this study is to seek the construction of the utterance in political power abuse and racial discrimination which become the development of relevant previous studies, from the text analysis of news item of the one biggest media in the United States CNBC, released on March 17, 2020, in the racial issue discrimination over political powers of the former American president Donald J Trump entitled Trump tweets about coronavirus using the term 'Chinese Virus’. The study focuses on the attitude of appraisal to observe the variation of the feelings either of Donald J Trump itself or the opposition (people who disagree with the statement) and the journalist used in the text to understand the construction of racial discrimination and political powers abuse by Donald J Trump, the method used to develop this research is descriptive qualitative. Two pieces of evidence are implemented in this study to support the validity. They are theoretical-based studies and data source evidence, those evidence are synchronized to understand how the media construct the image of Donald J Trump in racial discrimination and political power abuse. %K Racial discrimination; political power abuse; appraisal; critical discourse analysis. %P 252-260 %D 2020 %C Yogyakarta %L digilib57865