%A NIM.: 07730083 Uspal Jandevi %O Pembimbing: Fatma Dian Pratiwi S.sos.,M.si %T MANAJEMEN KRISIS DAN PEMULIHAN CITRA PT PERTAMINA PERSERO (STUDI KASUS FUNGSI PUBLIC RELATIONS PASCA KRISIS PENCEMARAN LINGKUNGAN DALAM PEMULIHAN CITRA PT. PERTAMINA BALONGAN INDRAMAYU TAHUN 2008-2010 ) %X The purpose of this study is to be able to know how the functions of Public Relations of PT Pertamina Persero in conducting crisis management in order to succeed in his efforts to restore the image of Pertamina eyes of society in Côte Balongan Indramayu district of West Java Province and surrounding areas, because Pertamina cause complaints in the community (fishermen and farmers) In Indramayu of Crude Oil (crude oil blobs) in coastal waters. The fisherman who joined in Indramayu Coastal Communities Coalition (Company) threatened to block the activity in Balongan refineries owned by PT Pertamina (Persero) for removing their livelihood. The subjects in this study is the Division of Public Relations of PT Pertamina (Persero). While the object of this study is how the Crisis Management Public relations Persero PT Pertamina UP VI Balongan in image recovery Pertamina Village Balongan Indramayu. The research method used by the authors in this study is qualitative research with a descriptive type of research that aims to create a systematic descriptive, factual and accurate about the facts or properties of certain objects. The results show that to realize the purpose and function of PR in crisis management public relations approach is realized with some aspects of the mechanism, the dynamic aspect and the aspect of maintaining a relationship. Pertamina compensation in the form of compensation policy, the approach in the local area leaders and community assistance. The conclusions of this study conducted Pertamina crisis management has been good enough in addressing the crisis of image restoration by working with various parties. Advice from skrispi this, before the crisis better to prevent than to cure, then the organization's internal public relations to make improvements, especially in the thoroughness and careful selection of competent human resources so that this crisis does not recur and did not experience a major loss for the company, stakeholders and the environment . %K Crisis Management, Public Relations, Company Image %D 2011 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib57940