%A NIM.: 19108030028 Dyah Fitri Ayuningsih %O Pembimbing: Izra Berakon, M.Sc. %T PENGARUH RETURN ON EQUITY, CURRENT RATIO, STRUKTUR AKTIVA DAN GROWTH TERHADAP STRUKTUR MODAL DENGAN AGE SEBAGAI VARIABEL KONTROL (STUDI KASUS PADA PERUSAHAAN YANG TERDAFTAR DI JII30 TAHUN 2017-2021) %X This study aims to analyze the effect of return on equity, current ratio, asset structure and growth on capital structure with age as a control variable in case studies of companies listed on JII30 for five consecutive years, starting from 2017-2021. samples using purposive sampling method, samples obtained as many as 12 companies and observation data as many as 60 data. This study used a panel data regression model and analyzed with Eviews-12 software. The feasibility test of the model chosen in this study is the fixed effect model (FEM).The results of statistical tests show that return on equity has a positive and significant effect on capital structure, the current ratio has a negative and significant effect on capital structure, asset structure has a positive and significant effect on capital structure, growth has a positive and significant effect on capital structure and age as a control variable has a positive and significant influence on capital structure. %K capital structure; return on equity; current ratio; asset structure %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib57968