%A - Khristanto %A - Arif Budiman %T Animacy Concept on Pronoun, Genetive, and Concordance Systems in Indonesian and Javanese %X Animacy refers to categories based on "animate" and "inamate", which are internalized in the structure of language. Nouns is classified based on their level of "animacy", the distinction between humans and animals, and animals are graded again from higher and lower levels (Comrie: 1989). This study aims to compare the concept of animacy in three languages, namely English, Indonesian and Javanese - especially from the behavioral aspects of the pronouns of these languages, namely first, second, and third person pronouns (human, animal, object) both plural and singular. The study data will be analyzed by using Comrie's typology perspective (1989). From the analysis, it was shown that English is language which gives a specific pronoun for non-human animates and inanimate entities, like animal or things, with its pronoun of “it” and even equalizes “them” to human in plural form. Meanwhile, othe two languages do not have any specific pronoun for non-human. Javanese, even, do not have the third person pronoun for human subject either singular or plural—meaning the animacy level for third person is lower than the first and second person. Javanese has further animacy distinction in terms of Genetive case and action/behavioral verb agreement between human and non-human. %K animacy, human, language, Indonesian, Javanese %P 234-239 %D 2020 %C Faculty of Adab and Cultural Sciences UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %L digilib58117