%A NIM.: 20200011055 Faiz Badridduja %O Pembimbing: Dr. Subi Nur Isnaini, M.A. %T PEMIKIRAN PENDIDIKAN AL-GHAZALI DAN NILAI-NILAI PSIKOLOGI PENDIDIKAN DALAM KITAB AYYUHA AL-WALAD %X As one of the Muslim intellectuals, al-Ghazali has made many contributions to the realm of Islamic intellectuals, including in the field of education. So far, studies of al-Ghazali's educational thought mostly refer to the book Ihya` 'Ulum al-Diin, be it character education, children's education, moral education, Islamic education, and others. It is still rare for research to examine al-Ghazali's educational concept based on the book Ayyuhaa al-Walad, let alone study it in depth and analyze it using an educational psychology values approach. This research is a qualitative research based on literature data which aims to explain al-Ghazali's educational thoughts in the book of Ayyuha al-Walad, as well as explain the educational psychology values contained in the concept of thinking about education. The research data were obtained from primary data sources, namely the book of Ayyuha al-Walad and other works by al-Ghazali, and secondary data sources, namely books and articles related to this research topic. This study found that Al-Ghazali's thoughts on education in the book Ayyuha al-Walad can be categorized into four themes namely al-Ilmu wa al-'Amal (knowledge and practice/action), al-Takhalluq bi al-Khuluq al-Hasan (good behavior), al-Taqarrub ila Allah (closer to the almighty God) and Tazkiyyah al -Nafs (self-purification) who are placed in education according to their individual development, namely al-Janin (fetus), al-Thifl (children), al-Tamyiz (teenager), al-'Aqil (mature/adult) and al-Auliyā/al-Anbiya (saint). The values of educational psychology that can be found in al-Ghazali's view based on the book are the value of learning motivation, the value of intelligence, the value of individual development, the value of memory or memory, the value of thinking and the value of evaluating learning outcomes. %K educational psychology value; al-Ghazali; Ayyuha al-walad %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib58303