@mastersthesis{digilib58456, month = {January}, title = {PELAKSANAAN POLA INTI-PLASMA DALAM KEMITRAAN PADA AYAM BROILER (STUDI KASUS DI DESA JANAPRIA)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 20203012006 Nizar Zikri Romdhani}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Hamim Ilyas., M.Ag}, keywords = {plasma nucleus; fiqh muamalat; justice}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/58456/}, abstract = {This study discusses the partnership relationship between PT AKA Mataram and broiler breeders. In practice, when a loss is caused by the price of chickens falling, there is a sudden death of chickens. PT AKA Mataram does not want to be responsible for these losses, the company is only concerned with how the company does not lose. Based on this, the focus of the issues raised in this research is how to implement the nucleus-plasma partnership relationship in Janapria village, what is the fikih muamalat contract in implementing the nucleus-plasma partnership pattern in broiler chickens, and how to analyze justice in implementing the nucleus-plasma pattern. This research is a type of field research with a normative approach. By using the theory of fikih muamalat with the idea of justice. Meanwhile, the data used in this research is empirical. In collecting data, the methods used are interviews and observation. The results of the findings during the research, the researchers found: First, the process of collaboration between broiler breeders carried out between the plasma and the core party in practice, when some chickens die and are malnourished in the process of raising broiler chickens, the core party does not bear it as a loss, it will but the plasma bears it. Second, in the practice of cooperation in broiler farming, it is not in accordance with the Islamic concept, where in Islamic law the provisions of Syirkah namely when profits and losses occur will be borne by both parties, in practice one of the parties bear the loss. Third, in the practice of cooperation between the main party and the plasma party, there is no justice when there is a loss in managing broiler chickens, when the plasma (livestock) suffers a loss, it is only the plasma (livestock) that bears the risk. Indirectly there is human exploitation of humans when carrying out chicken management. Even though Islam advocates justice so that equality occurs in the economy and the realization of justice in society. The concept of justice in Islam in income distribution does not mean that everyone must receive the same reward but consider their contribution to the business being carried out.} }