relation: title: PROMOSI PRODUK PADA MEDIA SOSIAL DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN JASA BUZZER PERSPEKTIF FIKIH MUAMALAH creator: Ahmad Zaenal Abidin, NIM.: 19203010004 subject: Ilmu Syariah subject: Media Sosial description: A buzzer in a business context is a figure of a social media account that is paid for and utilized by business actors in communicating their products (promotions) on social media. A product or service that is echoed by buzzers is intended to be widely known and discussed by the public so that it enters the target's mind to increase sales results. Sometimes in carrying out their duties the buzzer tends to have the potential to be dishonest and not objective in promoting a product. Buzzers often lead opinions on consumers through fake comments and reviews circulating on social media to build image and awareness of a product being promoted. This type of research is literary or library research (library research), namely by collecting data along with information such as books, both primary and secondary, or other references that explain product promotion using service buzzers on social media. The nature of this research is descriptive-analytic, namely the author first describes the problem to be studied in this case providing comprehensive information related to product promotion on social media by using a service buzzer as a promotional tool and then analyzing using a juridical-normative approach which in this study is an approach through Islamic law, especially fiqh muamalah to achieve the results of the research. By using this research method, it can be seen that the use of buzzer services on social media as a means of promotion is quite strategic because buzzers in their work utilizing E-WOM are supported by hundreds to thousands of accounts, both real and fake, which are amplified electronic. word of mouth, namely the use of E-WOM which is deliberately set up in such a way by certain companies in promoting their products through buzzer services at certain (various) rates in operation on social media buzzers can be in the form of likes, comments, or reviews that can be customized ( custom) with the will of the service tenant. So that in this way it is as if creating an organic (natural) conversation on public recommendations. In muamalah fiqh, the use of buzzer services of this kind leads to types of prohibited transactions related to taghrir/gharar/ghurur, tadlis, and najasy. That is a transaction that is prohibited in Islam because, contains elements of obscurity, and manipulation in increasing the positive value (value) of a product to influence consumers through comments, and positive reviews that are deliberately set and exaggerated. The use of buzzer services on social media in promotional activities in transmitting information (praising products) using interesting strategies in Islam is of course permissible with the condition that the principles and limitations are respected. date: 2023-01-14 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Ahmad Zaenal Abidin, NIM.: 19203010004 (2023) PROMOSI PRODUK PADA MEDIA SOSIAL DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN JASA BUZZER PERSPEKTIF FIKIH MUAMALAH. Masters thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.