%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Ummi Fadliyati Kaamilah, NIM.: 19103050019 %B FAKULTAS SYARIAH DAN HUKUM %D 2023 %F digilib:58508 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K instagram content; wedding education; Maqaṣid Syari'ah %P 128 %T ANALISIS KONTEN INSTAGRAM SEBAGAI SARANA EDUKASI PERNIKAHAN BAGI ISTRI DAN PENGARUHNYA DALAM MEMBENTUK KELUARGA SAKINAH PERSPEKTIF MAQASID SYARI’AH (STUDI TERHADAP PENGGUNA INSTAGRAM WILAYAH JABODETABEK TAHUN 2022) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/58508/ %X The development of technology has progressed rapidly. One of the results of technological developments is the presence of social media in the community. Media social that is often used today is instagram. This is because Instagram users in Indonesia are increasing every year. The large number of Instagram enthusiasts is due to several reasons such as the information presented is more updated than other social media and the display presented is more superior to the visual part, so that the content presented can look more interesting to read. The number of information obtained from Instagram, so currently the existence of Instagram content has developed into an educational medium for its users. There are examples of information that can be obtained from Instagram content, one of which is about married life. Many Instagram content raises themes about married life such as, sharing stories or complaining about her married life, solving household problems, sharing tips for household continuity, suggesting actions that can build couple harmony etc. Problems arise when there is content that provides information related to marriage which can actually cause conflicts in the family. This can happen because many people can easily access instagram and share information based solely on personal arguments in the absence of a foundation of science and filters. As for this study, researchers focused on the Instagram content of the @wanita.cl account. This type of research is field research with a normative approach with a prescriptive nature of research. The analysis method used is qualitative data analysis with an inductive model. The source of data used in this study came from female followers of the @wanita.cl account, especially those who are married and come from the Jabodetabek area as primary data supported by several secondary data in the form of scientific papers, journals, and books related to research. In collecting data, researchers use data collection methods in the form of interviews. The results showed that Instagram content can be a means of marriage education for wives in forming a sakinah family, namely content about living protection, domestic violence protection, household financial management and infidelity. The Instagram content is able to providepositive support for the wife in forming a sakinah family. This can be seen from the results of the researcher's interview with the source. Furthermore, maqāṣid s yarī'ah analysis considers that instagram content can be a means of marriage education for wives in forming sakinah families because instagram content is able to present everything that has been listed and has been described in maqāṣid s yarī'ah especially at the level of ḍharūriyat) )الضروريات in 4 principles of protection namely the protection of religion, the protection of the soul, the protection of reason, the protection of hereditary and the protection of property. %Z Pembimbing: Siti Djazimah, S.Ag. M.S.I.