@phdthesis{digilib58526, month = {February}, title = {EFEKTIVITAS PENYALURAN DANA ZAKAT MELALUI PROGRAM GARUT MAKMUR DI BADAN AMIL ZAKAT NASIONAL (BAZNAS) KABUPATEN GARUT}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 18103080011 Widi Maulana Sidiq}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. H. Muhammad Fakhri Husein, S.E., M.Si.}, keywords = {zakat; BAZNAS; prosperous Garut}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/58526/}, abstract = {With the establishment of the Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS), it is hoped that it will make it easier for muzzaki to distribute zakat funds. Through the Garut Regency BAZNAS program which is oriented towards empowerment, one of which is community empowerment through the Garut Makmur program. This can provide more information related to the potential of zakat and how zakat can play a role in alleviating poverty. The effectiveness of Zakat distribution at the Garut Regency Baznas deserves to be studied considering the funds distributed to the poor in cash, where the distribution of funds in cash is considered less effective if given directly to the poor. Therefore, to find out more deeply about the practice of managing the distribution of zakat at BAZNAS Garut Regency, the authors raise this problem in a thesis entitled "Effectiveness of Distribution of Zakat Funds Through the Gart Makmur Program at the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) Garut Regency". This type of research is field research using an Islamic law approach. While the method of data analysis using analysis descriptions, and data collection methods used are interviews, observation, and documentation. This study found that the management of zakat funds at BAZNAS Garut Regency was very effective with a percentage above 90\%. The management and distribution of zakat funds in improving the welfare of the people of Garrut Regency which are given to pure mustahik are intended for mustahik and BAZNAS does not take any advantage, this can be proven by the statements of informants who have been interviewed by the authors. The distribution of zakat funds to mustahik uses a grant contract which is directly given to mustahik directly.} }