%A NIM.: 21202011007 Mujiyati %O Pembimbing: Dr. Hamdan Daulay., M,Si., M.A %T KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL TOKOH AGAMA DALAM MENJAGA KERUKUNAN BERAGAMA DI KAMPUNG SRAMBATAN KELURAHAN PUNGGAWAN KOTA SURAKARTA %X Research that takes from the background of urban life in maintaining harmony carried out by Islamic, Buddhist and Christian religious figures. By using interpersonal communication to build inter-religious harmony in Srambatan village, Punggawan sub-district, Surakarta city. In the midst of the rampant issue that the city of Solo is a city with the nickname of the City of Short Axis, and the existence of Ponpes Al Mukmin Ngruki, religious leaders can dismiss these assumptions and issues. The existence of three houses of worship in Srambatan village, namely: Cetya Kstigarbha monastery, At Taubah mosque and abdiel Abdi Sabda Christian church, shows that religious harmony is still maintained and refutes this assumption. The relationship between good religious leaders is determined by the communication used, so that religious tolerance can be realized. This Research Method uses Descriptive Qualitative with Case Study Approach. In the selection of research subjects, researchers use Non-Probabilty Sampling Techniques by determining sampling subjects including, community leaders in Srambatan village, religious leaders of each house of worship, and local residents who understand the events in Srambatan village. In Data Collection, Researchers use Participant Observation, Interview and Documentation methods. The stages used by the author are determining goals, finding goals, finding scope, determining place and time, preparing the equipment needed, starting to make observations, holding records, and compiling reports. %K Komunikasi Interpersonal, Peran Tokoh Agama, Kerukunan Beragama %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib58558