%A NIM.: 19208012024 Putri Deflyanty. S, S.E %O Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Misnen Ardiansyah, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA., ACPA %T PENGARUH KETIDAKPASTIAN KEBIJAKAN EKONOMI AMERIKA SERIKAT, KETIDAKPASTIAN KEBIJAKAN EKONOMI EROPA, DAN MAKROEKONOMI TERHADAP INDEKS HARGA SAHAM SYARIAH 5 NEGARA ASEAN %X The stock market plays an important role in a country's economic growth by increasing company liquidity, mobilizing investment capital, and exercising company control. Good financial management of the company and sustainable physical capital development will contribute to economic growth, but the stock market also has a high risk, this is because the investment is in the real sector so that unstable economic policy factors can influence stock price fluctuations. This study aims to analyze the effect of US EPU, EU EPU and macroeconomic variables on sharia stock prices in 5 ASEAN countries for the 2015-2022 period, using multiple linear regression research methods with the Ordinary Least Squard approach. The results of the study found US EPU, EU EPU and Macroeconomics on the stock prices of the 5 ASEAN countries had different results, this was because the 5 ASEAN countries had different levels of economic stability. %K US EPU, EU EPU, Makroekonomi, Harga Saham Syariah %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib58668