%A NIM.: 19204010060 Laila Sangadah %O Pembimbing: Dr. Dwi Ratnasari, M.Ag %T HABITUASI QUR’ANIY SEBAGAI MEDIA MANAJEMEN NAFS, QALB DAN AQL %X Habituation is a practical effortz to internalize educational values to form positive behavior through good habituation in everyday life. In the midst of science and technlogy advances, positive habituation plays a role as controlling behavior for the younger generation. To create a religious generation, it is required Qor’anic values socialization which can become the medium for the management of the nafs, qalb and aql. As a part of an educational institution, Islamic boarding schools play a role in creating a Qur’anic and good morals generation. Pondok Pesantren Daarunnajah MAN 1 Magelang is one of the Islamic boarding schools that implements Qur’anic habituation in the learning process. This research uses a qualitative approach with inductive descriptive analysis which seeks to explain the application of Qur’anic habituation at the Daarunnajah Islamic Boarding School MAN 1 Magelang, its supporting and inhibiting factors and their implications for the management of the nafs, qalb and aql. The data collecting method are observation, interviews and documentation. The sampling technique uses criterior based sampling (determination of samples based on certain criteria). Meanwhile, the data analysis method uses the Miles and Huberman model which steps consist of reduction, data display and conclusion. The results show that the application of Qur’anic habituation at Daarunnajah Islamic Boarding School MAN 1 Magelang through several programs including reading selected verses after fardhu prayer, mujahadah Qur’an before dawn, routine khatmil Qur’an (muqoddaman) once a week and giving ta’zir in the form of tadarus Al-Qur’an. The habituation has the implications for the management of the nafs, qalb and aql which can be seen in the students behavior are more calm in acting, positively thingking and wise decision. %K Qur’anic habituation; management; pondok pesantren %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib58683