%A NIM.: 20204082031 Fifin Sofia, S.Pd. %O Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. H. Sutrisno, M. Ag %T PROGRAM EKSTRAKURIKULER UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KECERDASAN MAJEMUK PESERTA DIDIK DI MI ANDALAN CIAMIS %X Everyone has intelligence, some are dominant in just one or two intelligences, but there are those who have up to five intelligences, even though none of them stand out. These various intelligences are called multiple intelligences. Howard Gardner—who is the originator of multiple intelligences—emphasizes that there are no humans who are not intelligent. Even little Einstein, who had difficulty reading, could become a great physicist of all time because he received the right stimulus from his parents. But on the contrary, if an intelligence is not given proper treatment, then a person can experience various disturbances in carrying out daily life. Multiple intelligences can be honed in various ways, but in this paper, the author intends to provide an overview and prove that multiple intelligences can be improved by utilizing extracurricular programs. This research is a type of qualitative and quantitative research with a descriptive approach. The research subjects were Brave class students (grade 4), Extracurricular Coordinators, Extracurricular Trainers, Deputy Head of Madrasah and founder of MI Andalan Ciamis. Data collection techniques used are interviews, surveys, observation, and documentation. The results of the analysis of indicators using multiple intelligences, prove that extracurriculars can hone one to five intelligences of students. In addition, the results of the Get to Know You Survey prove that extracurricular activities at MI Andalan Ciamis can improve students' multiple intelligences. So that the following data is obtained: (a) Students who experience an increase in all intelligence are 38%. (b) Students who experience an increase in one intelligence but experience a decrease in another intelligence are 38%. (c) Students who experience a decrease in all intelligences are 24%. Factors that support the increase in the multiple intelligences of students include: (a) Adequate trainers or expert trainers who accompany students. (b) Adequate extracurricular facilities and capacities. (c) Multiple intelligence-based extracurriculars that focus on process, not results. %K extracurricular; multiple intelligences; kecerdasan majemuk %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib58693