%A NIM.: 19107010091 Rizki Khairunnisa %O Pembimbing: Muslim Hidayat M. A. %T STRATEGI COPING PADA FUJOSHI YANG MENGALAMI BULLYING %X Fujoshi is a woman who has a penchant for consuming the particular content of film and series that containing themes of homosexuality. The consuming of homosexualities content not contrast to the social and religious values that espoused by Indonesian society. This difference makes a fujoshi’s susceptible to bullying. Bullying has a negative impact on the physical psychological state of an individual. Vurnerabilities and negative impacts of bullying which makes a fujoshi’s need to doing some strategies coping for himself. This study aims to find out the description of coping strategies on fujishis persons who struggled with bullying. Subjects in this study were three women who liked homosexual content. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach based on the phenomenological tradition with data collection in the form of interviews and documentation studies. The results of this study are that the three subjects apply various forms of strategy coping various. All of the coping strategies form are escapism (avoiding by doing other activities), minimization (abandonment), instrumental action (prepare a counter action), self blame, and cautiousness (ask for device to others). %K Bullying, Fenomenologi, Fujoshi, Strategi Coping %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib58707