%A NIM.: 19107030055 Jamaluddin Asrofi %O Pembimbing: Niken Puspitasari S.IP., M.A %T KOMUNIKASI BENCANA DALAM MITIGASI ERUPSI GUNUNG API MERAPI (DESKRIPTIF KUALITATIF MENGENAI KOMUNIKASI BENCANA BPBD KAB. KLATEN DALAM MITIGASI ERUPSI GUNUNG API MERAPI KEPADA MASYARAKAT DESA TEGALMULYO, KEMALANG, KLATEN) %X One of the potential disasters in Indonesia that is of concern is a volcanic eruption. Indonesia is recorded to have approximately 127 active volcanoes, one of which is Mount Merapi. The role of disaster mitigation communication is quite important in efforts to reduce the impact of a disaster. Several problems related to communication often occur during a disaster emergency, including information conveyed that is incomplete, causing confusion, interrupted communication, and confusion due to failure of coordination. The BPBD of Klaten Regency has a quite strategic role as an implementer related to disaster in Klaten Regency, in this case the Merapi Volcano Eruption. This study aims to analyze disaster communication implemented by BPBD Klaten Regency in mitigating the eruption of Merapi Volcano in Tegalmulyo Village. This study uses a qualitative method. Data collection is done by way of interviews, observation and documentation. The subjects in this study were the BPBD of Klaten Regency. The results of this study indicate that the BPBD of Klaten Regency has carried out several programs related to efforts to mitigate the Merapi Volcano Eruption disaster in Tegalmulyo Village. Some of these efforts include conducting socialization, training, forming the Dashing Disaster Village and the Brotherhood Village. In addition, the BPBD of Klaten Regency is also trying to carry out information transparency and establish cooperation with the media to publish information. %K Disaster Communication, Disaster Mitigation, Merapi Volcano, Bpbd Klaten Regency %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib58710