%A NIM.: 18104090029 Zannuba Arifah Khofshoh %O Pembimbing: Dr. Subiyantoro, M.Ag. %T MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER PESERTA DIDIK PADA ERA REVOLUSI INDUSTRI 4.0 DI SMP AL-AZHAAR MASJID BAITUL KHOIR BANDUNG KABUPATEN TULUNGAGUNG %X Character is built not only from the family environment or from home, but characters can also be created from the school environment. Character education is an effort to develop the potential of student with cultural values and national character so that they have character in their lives, especially in the current era of the industrial revolution 4.0 Al-Azhaar Junior High School Baitul Khoir Mosque Bandung has 4 character education: (1) Religious Character (2) Learning Character (3) Independence Character (4) Entrepreneurial Character. The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the implementation of character education management in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 (2) Supporting factors and inhibiting factors in Junior High School Baitul Khoir Mosque Bandung. (3) the obstacles in implementing character education management (4) the impact of implementing character education at Al-Azhaar Junior High School Baitul Khoir Mosque Bandung. This research is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach, with data collection techniques including observastion, interviews and dokumentation. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Researchers used source triangulation and technical triangulation to achieve data validity. The results of this study show that: (1) The implementation of student character education management in the industrial revolution era 4.0 applies management functions, namely Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling (2) Supporting factors include the existence of facilities and infrastructure in the form if Islamic boarding schools based on Tahfidz and inhibiting factors including human resources (educators), which are still small (3) the formation of strategies in dealing with problems that arise with communication, motivation, and adjustments to the era (4) the impacts and results obtained from the application of character education can be seen from the achievement data and secondary school data in senior high schools by the best graduates, as well as the satisfaction felt by parent %K Manajemen, Pendidikan Karakter, Revolusi Industri 4.0 %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib58732