%A NIM.: 20204011025 M. Risky Fauzi %O Pembimbing: Dr. Sabarudin, M.Si. %T TINDAKAN PREVENTIF DALAM MENCEGAH KENAKALAN REMAJA (AKSI KLITIH) DI MAN II YOGYAKARTA %X This study aims to provide an understanding regarding (1) the reasons for MAN II Yogyakarta to take preventive action related to the clit case, (2) describe the efforts made by MAN II Yogyakarta to prevent the occurrence of clit acts on students and (3) identify the factors that support MAN II Yogyakarta in preventing the occurrence of clit actions in students. This research is classified as a descriptive research using qualitative methods. The data sources in this study consisted of informants who were used as resource persons at the research location, namely school principals, guidance and counseling teachers, religion teachers and student council presidents. This study uses several techniques in data collection such as observation, interviews and documentation which refer to data analysis techniques by collecting data, filtering or reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The source triangulation technique of this study is the school principal, guidance counseling teacher, religion teacher and student council president. While the technical triangulation comes from the results of the data obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. The results that the researchers got were: First, preventive measures aimed at minimizing the negative impacts that could have occurred by juvenile/student delinquency which could damage the good name of educational institutions and justify schools as educational institutions that failed to carry out their duties. Second, the preventive efforts of educational institutions include: (1) an anti-gang certificate (2) condensing positive activities (3) coaching (4) cooperation with the police. As for preventive efforts from the police, namely: (1) routine patrols (2) coaching and providing outreach to educational institutions. Third, the factors that support MAN II Yogyakarta in carrying out preventive actions are: (1) habituation to worship, (2) instilling religious values through programs, (3) giving advice by educators and (4) realizing the vision and mission MAN II Yogyakarta. %K preventive measures; juvenile delinquency; klitih; kasus anak %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib58743