%A NIM.: 19104090068 Milati Aziz Mutiara Safni %O Pembimbing: Sumarsono, S.T., M.Kom %T EVALUASI IMPLEMENTASI SISTEM PELAYANAN ADMINISTRASI TERINTEGRASI SATU ATAP (STUDI KASUS LAMAN INFORMASI DIGITAL (LINTAS) SMP ISLAM ANDALUSIA KEBASEN) %X The background of this research begins with schools having to adapt to the digital world, including managing their work models and human resource activities to achieve goals. This has an impact on the teacher administration system, where previously the administrative process was carried out conventionally, now it is the opposite. The school has created a website-based teacher administration system to make data processing easier, the information produced is accurate and effective. However, when the Case Study of Digital Information Pages Andalusia system was implemented, teachers were still not used to doing administration online, so improvements were needed for teachers. The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of the Case Study of Digital Information Pages Andalusia administration system service at the Andalusian Islamic Middle School and to evaluate the administrative system service using the CIPP model. This research is a qualitative research conducted at the Andalusian Islamic Middle School, Kebasen, Banyumas. The subjects of this study were school principals, deputy head of curriculum, subject teachers and guidance counselors. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are transcript, coding, grouping, comparing and contrasting. Researchers used the source triangulation technique in testing the validity of the data. The results of the study show (1) the implementation of the Case Study of Digital Information Pages Andalusia website-based administrative service system has been well managed based on the goals set. (2) evaluation results with the CIPP model, namely context evaluation regarding separate rules for teachers so that the administration system becomes directed and effective. Evaluation of inputs related to planning and infrastructure is good and meets the requirements needed by the school. It's just that teachers need to improve again or get used to using the Case Study of Digital Information Pages Andalusia system. Evaluation of the process of implementing the program is in accordance with the objectives set. Even though there are several obstacles such as who understand little and are skilled in the Information Technology field and changing teachers' habits to do administration online. Then evaluate the product regarding the benefits and perceived results in addition to reducing paper use as well as facilitating the teacher administration system and increasing knowledge and skills for teachers, the deputy head can monitor students, when there is an assessment of the principal's performance. The findings from the implementation of administration system are that there is no type of success rate for the implementation of the administration program that can be used as input in developing the program. %K Evaluasi Program, CIPP, Pelayanan Sistem Administrasi %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib58799