relation: title: INTERNALISASI ETIKA PROFETIK MELALUI KEGIATAN PEMBACAAN MAULID SIMTUDDUROR DI MAJELIS MUHIBBIN RASULULLAH YOGYAKARTA creator: Muhammad Ilham Thayyibi, NIM.: 21204011049 subject: Pendidikan Agama Islam subject: Etika Kerja Islami description: This research is important because of the phenomenon of dehumanization, materialistic nature, individulaism and the fading of divine values, which requires society to instill prophetic ethical values, namely humanization values, liberation values and transcendence values where transcendence values become the basic foundation for the other two values. The internalization of prophetic ethics can not only be done through educational institutions, but also through community culture, namely the sholawat assembly. This study aims to examine the internalization of prophetic ethics through the reading of Maulid Simtudduror at the Muhibbin Rasulullah Yogyakarta assembly, supporting factors and inhibiting factors for the internalization of prophetic ethics through reading activities of Maulid Simtudduror at the Muhibbin Rasulullah Yogyakarta assembly and the impact of internalizing prophetic ethics through reading activities of Maulid Simtudduror at the Muhibbin assembly of the Prophet Muhammad Yogyakarta. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with a fhenomenology approach. Data collection was carried out by semi-structured interview methods, documentation and field observations. Data analysis is carried out in four stages, namely data collection, focusing / reducing data, presenting / displaying data, and inferring and verifying data. The source of data from this study consists of two sources, namely primary sources including Habib Usman, Kyai Kuswaedi Syafi'i and Kuntowijo‘s books and the secondary source of the jama'ah of the Muhibbin assembly of the Prophet Muhammad Yogyakarta and documentations. As well as to test the validity and validity of the data is carried out by triangulating sources. The results of the study are: first, the internalization of prophetic ethics through the reading of Maulid Simtudduror at the Muhibbin Rasulullah assembly there are three stages, namely the value transformation stage, the value transaction stage, and the value transinternalization stage. The strategies carried out in the internalization of prophetic ethics are giving advice and lectures, exemplary or modeling, exercises and habituation and story methods. Kedua fakor supporters internally i.e. good intentions and personal readiness. And externally, teachers as good role models, a religiously nuanced environment, adequate facilities and support from the community. Then the inhibiting factor internally is the lack of personal absorption and externally, the environment is not conducive. Third, the internalization of prophetic ethics has a positive impact on tolerance, friendly attitudes, environmental care attitudes, social care attitudes, attitudes of respect for people's kindness, attitudes of hard work, creativity, curiosity, religious attitudes, honest attitudes and discipline attitudes date: 2023-03-10 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Muhammad Ilham Thayyibi, NIM.: 21204011049 (2023) INTERNALISASI ETIKA PROFETIK MELALUI KEGIATAN PEMBACAAN MAULID SIMTUDDUROR DI MAJELIS MUHIBBIN RASULULLAH YOGYAKARTA. Masters thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.