%A NIM.: 21204031038 Nasratun Najiha %O Pembimbing: Dr. Na’imah, M.Hum %T INOVASI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN VISUAL “FLIP CHART” UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KOMPETENSI BAHASA ANAK USIA DINI DI TK MARDI PUTERA YOGYAKARTA %X The acquisition of early childhood language competencies in Mardi Putera Kindergarten seems to be still relatively low, so it is very necessary to innovate learning media as the main supporting tool used by educators. The purpose of this study is to identify, analyze, know and implement products that are worthy of being a language learning medium in the form of visual flip chart media that is very interesting, easy, and fun for early childhood. This Research and Development (R&D) research method is carried out with the ADDIE (Analyze, Desaign, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) model that has been developed by Dick and Carry, with primary and secondary data. Primary data sources were obtained from educators, stakeholders, students at TK Mardi Putera Yogyakarta. Secondary data sources are obtained through print media, electronic media and various research results from journals. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, documentation, questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Data analysis techniques are used through quantitative and qualitative approaches. The ADDIE assessment procedure consists of media expert validators, Indonesian material experts, English and Arabic. The research results of this study are; 1) Children's language competence ability is still at a low stage can be seen from the pre-test before being given treatment by using learning media in the form of flip charts by 47% including in the sufficient category, 2) Language competence can be improved through visual learning media in the form of PIAUD thematic flip charts to help children understand, recognize basic letter symbols, add new vocabulary and group various kinds of images on the media, 3) PIAUD thematic flip chart visual learning media is said to be feasible as a learning medium in improving children's language with an ideal score of Indonesian material of 95% is included in the excellent category, an assessment of English material of 96% is included in the excellent category, an assessment of Arabic material of 85% is included in the excellent category and a media expert assessment of 83% is included in the excellent category. (4) the effectiveness of visual flip chart learning media implemented to improve The effectiveness of visual flip chart learning media implemented to improve children's language competence received an assessment of 94% with an excellent category. Based on the assessment of experts and teachers, the media is included in the excellent category to be used as a learning medium for children's language development. So that through visual flip chart learning media makes it easier for educators as one of the learning tools to stimulate children's language by understanding, recognizing, obtaining new vocabulary, grouping various kinds of images in the media and even introducing three languages (Indonesian, English and Arabic). %K Media Pembelajaran, Flip Chart, Perkembangan Bahasa Anak %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib58914