@mastersthesis{digilib58940, month = {February}, title = {FENOMENA FLEXING SEBAGAI STRATEGI MARKETING DI MEDIA SOSIAL ANALISIS PERSPEKTIF TAFSIR MAQASHIDI}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 20205032020 Raden Kurnia Kholiska}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Abdul Mustaqim, S.Ag., M.Ag}, keywords = {flexing; maslahat; mafsadah; Tafsir Maqashidi}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/58940/}, abstract = {Riy{\^a}' is currently functioned as a promotional strategy on social media known as flexing. Creator suseit to in crease the number of likes, followers, shares, and comments which has an impact on personal popularity and the content they share. Previous research that examined the phenomenon of flexing explained that it is not allowed because it is contrary to ethics on social media, while in society it is valued negatively because of the emergence of crime modes, fraud, and fraudulent investment. Therefore, to answer the above problems, there are two problem formulations that will be answered in this study, including: What is the maqashid of the prohibition of showing off in flexing verses ? And how does maqashidi's interpretation answer the problem of flexing as a marketing strategy on social media? This question is answered through a content analysis process to identify the content of Indra Kenzon Youtube and Sisca Kohl onTiktok. Then analyzed maslahah mafsadah based on the theory of maqashidi interpretation. This research is a qualitative research with a type of library research. The conclusion of this study: First, maq{\^a}sid of riy{\^a}? verses is preserved his religion from munafik, kufur, and musyrik (hifz?ad-d{\^i}n) and preserved jissoul from the attitudes of riy{\^a}?, ujub and sum?ah (hifz?an-nafs). The problem of flexing as a marketing strategy on social media has maslahah is maintaining the enthusias of other stotry and work hard in obtaining sustenance (hifz?an-nafs), creating jobs for others, creating jobs for others, increasing the number of sales, and helping the country?s economy (hifz?al-m{\^a}l). Meanwhile, the mudarat of the contents hows theattitude of riy{\^a}?,sum?ah and ujub in conveying the content and exaggeration, redundancy in the mangement of property. The mudarat it causes to others, is: changing other people?s views on standardizing success, setting an unkind example in the use of property, spreading fake news and including a capitalist system that acts as it pleases for personal gain.} }