%A NIM.: 19106060023 Pebrian Pamungkas Timur %O Pembimbing: Dr. Eng. Ir. Cahyono Sigit Pramudyo, S.T., M.T, IPM %T PERANCANGAN TATA LETAK DAN STRATEGI BUNDLING PRODUK MENGGUNAKAN METODE OVERALL VARIABILITY OF ASSOCIATION RULES (STUDI KASUS ALFAZZAMART) %X Alfazzamart is a mini market that sells various daily necessities. For several months Alfazzamart's sales have fluctuated and have not met the target. This provides a challenge for employees in determining product bundling strategies and arranging product layouts. Sales volatility makes the strategy uncertain every month, even though these two things are important in influencing purchases. In addition, Alfazzamart does not yet have a standard strategy that serves as a permanent guideline. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of providing suggestions for product bundling strategies and layouts based on buyer behavior. Buyer behavior is transformed into knowledge with Market Basket Analysis. This study uses the OCVR method to determine consistent buying patterns every month. Based on the method, the results of the OCVR method become a reference in bundling products and arranging product layouts. In conducting product structuring analysis, it is carried out using the help of ARC. The series of data processing is carried out according to CRISP-DM. Based on the findings of this study, 4 suggestions for product layout changes can be made by moving noodle products closer to snack and bottled drink products, exchanging bakery products for syrup, moving wafer products closer to candy products, and moving toy products to a closer approach. ice cream so that the rest of the space that can be filled with accessories that are optional. In addition, there are 17 bundling packages that can be applied. Bundling package offers can be through the promo shelf and offer recommendations directly from the cashier. %K Minimarket, Market Basket Analysis, OCVR, Bundling Produk, Tata Letak Produk %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib59032