%A NIM.: 19103070043 Sabila Nalanda Ilyas %O Pembimbing: Gugun El-Guyanie, S.HI., LL.M. %T KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH KOTA SURAKARTA DALAM MENINGKATKAN PENDAPATAN ASLI DAERAH DARI SEKTOR RETRIBUSI PARKIR DI TEPI JALAN UMUM PERSPEKTIF MASLAHAH (STUDI DI UPTD PERPARKIRAN DINAS PERHUBUNGAN KOTA SURAKARTA DAN PARKIR TEPI JALAN UMUM PASAR KLEWER) %X It is emphasized that any entity or individual may not use the land owned by the Road to park motorized vehicles or to load and unload goods without the Mayor's permission in accordance with Surakarta City Regional Regulation No. 6 of 2004 regarding Parking Fees on the Side of Public Roads. Therefore, the road as a means of transportation should not cause damage and disturbance to the traffic. Even though a Regional Regulation stipulates parking fees on public roads, reality is not expected. The increase in the target every year is based on results of surveys conducted on parking lots, but it does require the attention of a variety of parties to overcome these problems. The policy implementation is still plagued by obstacles, most of which are the disobedience of parking attendants in collecting retribution rates in the field. In addition, from a consumer/parking point of view, they often do not pay for parking in accordance with rates and are unaware of parking fees. In addition, there is a lack of optimal supervision of parking managers and parking officers within UPTD Parking. The purpose of this study is to explain the policy of the Surakarta City government in increasing local revenue from the parking fees sector on public roads in accordance with the theory of legal effectiveness and the Maslahah theory in order to increase local revenue. Research of this type is field-based. An empirical juridical approach is used to determine the effectiveness of a law in practice. As a descriptive-analytical study, this study seeks to explain a problem based on the description at the research location, namely the Parking UPTD of Surakarta City Transportation Service and the Parking on the Side of Public Street Pasar Klewer Jl. Dr. Radjiman. Data collection techniques used Interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of the study show that the policy of the Surakarta City Government in increasing local revenue from the parking fees sector on public roads by using the Surakarta City Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2004 concerning Parking Fees on Public Roadsides is viewed from 5 factors as less effective than it appears. Furthermore, the policy has many disadvantages in comparison to its benefits in terms of Maslahah theory. %K Kebijakan Pemerintah, Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Efektifitas Hukum, Teori Maslahah. %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib59103