@phdthesis{digilib59110, month = {March}, title = {KETAATAN HUKUM DALAM PENJUALAN REFILL PARFUM (STUDI DI TIGA TOKO PARFUM YOGYAKARTA)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19103080054 Rosalina Aprilia Anggraini}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. H. Hamim Ilyas, M.Ag}, keywords = {Refill Parfum, Alkohol, Sosiologi Hukum Islam}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/59110/}, abstract = {Parfume Refills are pure parfume non alcohol or with an alcohol mixture of certain substances, both natural and artificial ingredients and the amount of alcohol in the refill mixture that undergoes the problem, so the writer examines it from a perspective Sociology of Islamic Law is a study of reciprocal relationships between social change and the placement of Islamic law. The writer examined from a Sociology perspective of Islamic Law focused on the factors affecting law enforcement. The study aims to explain the legal adherence to refill parfumes studies in three Yogyakarta parfume shops. The type of research used by the author of descriptive research by taking a qualitative approach is a type of study that produces qualitative descriptive data of written or spoken words and behaviors observed in order to investigate, discover, describe and explain the quality of social influence. As for research locations at three Yogyakarta parfume shops. The type of data collection the writer uses covers the primary and secondary data by using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The data analysis used is literature, data presentation and verify the data. The subject of this study is an owner, seller or clerk at three Yogyakarta parfume shops. After research has been conducted, the results of this study by observation and interview have been known that three parfume shops trade for the refill of parfume in two types: non alcohol and alcohol refill parfume. Replenish the non alcohol scent, the seller assesses the seeds of parfume into a bottle according to the number of mL volumes the volume of the bottle that the buyer wants. Whereas the refill measure of alcoholic parfume the seller infused the parfume seed by mixing less than 1\% alcohol according to the DSN MUI Fatwa Number 4/DSN-MUI/2003 standardization lawfull and regulation of the minister of health number 86 of 1977 concerning liquor. The alcohol used here is ethanol, a product of plants that have been used in the fermentation process. The public view of the rules applied by three parfume shops in Yogyakarta does not become a problem, because the public is strongly supportive and approves that refill shops are better in Islamic terms and positive laws in order to remain valid in worship and safe use for health, while the public?s view of the refill and secure store owners of the parfume refill stores has conducted their rule well as law enforcement in running the refill parfume, so that they can flourish.} }