%A NIM.: 19102020018 Apshaha Eia Nigita %O Pembimbing: Slamet, S.Ag.,M.Si %T KONSELING INDIVIDU UNTUK MENANGANI PERILAKU REMAJA KORBAN PACARAN TOXIC RELATIONSHIP DI P2TPA “ REKSO DYAH UTAMI” %X This research is motivated by cases of dating toxic relationships in the form of physical and psychological violence that occur in the outside environment and even around us. Victims in toxic relationship dating cases in the form of physical or psychological violence often ignore and assume that the problem is a consequence of being in a relationship (dating) so this case is rarely encountered because some of the victims choose not to tell or keep it in and then without consciously can influence behavior and psychological and mental conditions. This is a concern of researchers in writing this research by using an individual counseling approach. The purpose of this study was to find out the stages in individual counseling used to handle the behavior of victims of toxic relationship dating at P2TPA Rekso Dyah Utami Yogyakarta. The approach used in this study is a qualitative description case study. The subjects in this study were four subjects, namely two counselors, one person from the complaint section and one person from the secretariat. The object of this research is the stages of individual counseling to deal with the behavior of adolescent victims of toxic relationship relationships at P2TPA Rekso Dyah Utami Yogyakarta. Methods of data collection is done by interviews and documentation. The data validation method uses source triangulation and the data analysis method uses data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results of this study indicate that counselors use three stages of counseling and psychological first aid principles to deal with the behavior of adolescent victims of toxic relationship relationships. The first stage builds relationships, defines problems and studies problems related to the principle of seeing, the second stage explores problems associated with the principle of hearing and the third stage of conclusions associated with the principle of connecting, namely by connecting to the parties they need such as medical and psychiatrists according to the target the victims themselves and the procedures in P2TPA Rekso Dyah Utami. %K individual counseling; young generation; toxic relationship %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib59145