@phdthesis{digilib59191, month = {December}, title = {ISLAMIC MICROFINANCE SYSTEM: A STUDY ON ZAKAT AND QARDUL HASAN IN AFGHANISTAN}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.:19300016086 Ziaulrahman Mushkalamzai}, year = {2023}, note = {Promotor I: Prof. Noorhaidi, MA., M.Phil., Ph.D. dan Promotor II: Zulkipli Lessy, M.Ag.,M.S.W., Ph.D.}, keywords = {microfinance; Islamic Microfinance; zakat investment; Qardul Hasan; poverty}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/59191/}, abstract = {The Prophet Muhammad sought refuge with Allah from poverty. According to the hadith, poverty brings a person closer to Kufr. Therefore, Islam provides various ways to alleviate poverty in society to empower the economic condition of the poor and needy. In this regard, one of the most contemporary tools is Islamic Microfinance, Zakat, and Qardul Hassan. To use them effectively, there is a need to have good management regarding the collection and distribution of Zakat. This study wants to learn from the two leading countries, Indonesia, and Malaysia, regarding their management of Zakat, collection, and distribution to enhance Zakat management in Afghanistan. Besides this, there is a slight difference between Zakat implementation in Afghanistan and Indonesia, and Malaysia. Indonesia and Malaysia have used Zakat and Qardul Hasan in the form of Islamic Microfinance for long-term investment. According to Indonesian Ulama?s fatwa that states Zakat can be invested in the long term and the form of Islamic Microfinance in consideration with classic jurisprudence. This study wants to learn how Afghanistan could change its policy from short-term to use Zakat for long-term investment or use it in the form of Islamic Microfinance. To obtain all this information, two kinds of data were used for this study. The first was collected from a historical perspective method, and the second was field research. The issue was observed in Islamic fundamental sources, jurisprudence, books, academic articles, and websites for the first method. Then, the issue of Zakat for long-term investment was studied from the view of contemporary Ulama, considering their reasons and the reasoning of classic jurisprudence. After that, regarding Zakat investment, the Fatwa of Indonesian Ulama was also considered to understand why they allow Zakat investment and use Zakat in the form of Islamic Microfinance. For the second method, the study has two field journeys. The first was a journey in Afghanistan to observe Zakat and Qardul Hasan relevant institutions. The second journey was designed in Indonesia to look at the Indonesian Zakat and Qardul Hasan institutions. In this regard, the research conducted a questionnaire and interviews to collect data from the field. Two types of questionnaires were designed for Afghanistan, one was for scholars and Ulama and the second was for merchants because Zakat and Qardul Hasan have two dimensions: religious and commercial. In the religious aspect, the questionnaire was designed for scholars and Ulama. In the commercial or practical part, the traders and merchants were asked through questionnaires. For Indonesia, the field research designed interviews and observations in organizations such as Rumah Zakat, Dompet Dhuafa, BAZNAS, and BMT. During the interview, it was asked about Zakat collection and its distribution as well as the cost of services and salary of the staff from the private institutions. To conclude, considering the strengths of Indonesian and Malaysia usage of zakat and Qardul Hasan, Afghanistan has two important point to enhance their management. The first one is the collection of Zakat. Religiously, it is the government's responsibility to make a mechanism and regulation to collect Zakat from Muzakki. Zakat must be issued as soon as possible, both from the Muzakki to the Amil and from the Amil to the Mistahiq. The second point goes to the distribution of Zakat. It is also mentioned in the Quran that Zakat should be received by the appropriate person. In this regard, Afghanistan needs to use Zakat in the form of Islamic Microfinance productive programs such as economic empowerment, health, and education. In addition to this, Afghanistan has not used Zakat for long-term investment. The Ulama has two points of view on this. The first category of Ulama disagrees with Zakat investment, and the second Ulama agrees to use Zakat for long-term investment. This study found that the second opinion category is best and is beneficial for society. Thus, for long-term investment, Afghanistan needs to shift policy from its short term to consideration of certain conditions, such as Zakat must be channeled to businesses that Sharia and applicable regulations justify. It must be invested in business fields that are believed to be profitable. Also, it must be carried out by a professional and trustworthy institution. Investment permits must be obtained from the government, and the government must replace them in the case of a loss or bankruptcy. In addition, no poor are hungry or need emergency when the Zakat assets are invested. The distribution of Zakat, which is terminated because it is invested, must be limited in time.} }