%A NIM.: 19102020058 Teguh Prasetyo Nur Sahid %O Pembimbing: Slamet, S.Ag, M.Si %T KONSELING INDIVIDU UNTUK MENGATASI KESULITAN MANAJEMEN WAKTU SISWA MAN 3 SLEMAN %X This research aims to identify, describe, and analyze the forms of collaboration among the guidance counselor, academic advisor, subject teachers, school authorities, school duty teachers, and parents, as well as the supporting and hindering factors for the guidance counselor in implementing individual counseling stages to address time management issues among twelfth-grade students at MAN 3 Sleman. The research adopts a descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects of this study are the guidance counselors at MAN 3 Sleman, academic advisors, and twelfth-grade students of the academic year 2022-2023 who experience time management difficulties, are willing to participate as research subjects, and have undergone individual counseling stages with the guidance counselor. The object of this research is the forms of collaboration among the guidance counselor, academic advisor, subject teachers, school authorities, school duty teachers, and parents, as well as the supporting and hindering factors for the guidance counselor in implementing individual counseling stages to address time management issues among twelfth-grade students at MAN 3 Sleman. Data collection techniques involve interviews, observations, and documentation. The findings of this research reveal various forms of collaboration among the guidance counselor, academic advisor, subject teachers, school authorities, school duty teachers, and parents in implementing individual counseling stages to address time management issues among twelfth-grade students at MAN 3 Sleman. These include cooperation in the planning stage, collaboration in the implementation stage, cooperation in monitoring student progress during the evaluation and follow-up stages, as well as collaboration in the reporting stage. Additionally, there are supporting and hindering factors for the guidance counselor throughout the counseling process. %K Konseling Individu, Manajemen Waktu, Guru BK, Guru Mata Pelajaran %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib59259