%A NIM.: 19102050014 Dewi Siti Patonah %O Pembimbing: Noorkamilah, S.Ag, M.Si %T DAMPAK PERUNDUNGAN TERHADAP KEBERFUNGSIAN SOSIAL SISWA SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA STUDI KASUS DI MTs AL-AMIN CIKASO KECAMATAN BANJARANYAR KABUPATEN CIAMIS %X Cases of bullying that often occur in Indonesia can come from the family, social or school environment. Cases of bullying at the MTs Al-Amin Cikaso Banjaranyar school often occur when teaching and learning activities are taking place or when they are in the school environment. With various forms of bullying that often occur such as physical, verbal and mental abuse. This can have a lasting impact on victims of bullying. This study aims to determine the impact of bullying on students and describe the condition of the social functioning of students who are affected by the bullying. This study uses a type of qualitative research. Data collection carried out were interviews, observation, and documentation. In this study, there were four students from grades VII, VIII and IX who were victims of physical and verbal bullying. In data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. While the data validation used to test the validity of the data is by using a triangulation technique. The informants from the study totaled fourteen people consisting of victims, friends of the victims, parents of the victims, counseling teachers and class teachers. The results of this study describe that cases of bullying experienced by several students at the MTs Al- Amin Cikaso school occurred in two forms, namely physical (stretched/held forcibly and condensed/dropped people on purpose using their feet) and verbal (ridicule using other people's names). old, ridicule someone's physical/appearance, and intimidate). This study also found that bullying had an impact on individual life, academic life, social and psychological behavior. From several cases experienced by victims of bullying, they can be categorized into types of social functioning, effective (adaptive), risky, and very risky (maladaptive). %K Perundungan, Keberfungsian Sosial, Siswa, Bullying %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib59301