%A NIM.: 19108010043 Annisa Nur Khairat %O Pembimbing: Dr. Abdul Qoyum, S.E.I., M.Sc.Fin %T ANALISIS PENGARUH PEMBIAYAAN SYARIAH, PERAN INSTANSI, LAMA USAHA, DAN LOKASI TERHADAP PENDAPATAN PEDAGANG KAKI LIMA DI TERAS MALIOBORO %X Street vendors (PKL) are one of the groups that will be affected by the arrangement of traders who are in public places, and will be moved to places provided by the government. Relocation of traders will have an impact on merchant income, to return income for the better several influencing factors include using Sharia financing, the role of agencies, length of business and location. Some of these factors can determine the income of traders after moving to a place. The data used in this study are primary data with survey data collection methods using questionnaires. In this study, the sample used was street vendors who were transferred to Teras Malioboro 1, with a total of 50 samples. The data analysis technique in this study uses the Structural Equation Model (SEM) to measure the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable simultaneously. The research shows that the independent variables, namely Islamic financing, the role of the agency, length of business, and location on the income of traders, are the dependent variables. The results showed that the independent variable was able to explain the dependent variable with moderate criteria, the coefficient of determination (R-Square) was 0.288. The independent variables of Islamic financing, agency roles, and location have a significant positive effect on the income of traders in Teras Malioboro 1. Meanwhile, the independent variable length of business has an insignificant and negative effect on the income of traders in Teras Malioboro 1. %K Pembiayaan Syariah, Peran Instansi, Lama Usaha, Lokasi, Pendapatan, SEM %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib59334