%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Shifa Noor Augustin, NIM.: 18107030043 %B FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN HUMANIORA %D 2023 %F digilib:59425 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Long-Distance Marriage, Interpersonal Communication, Trust, Rural Community %P 108 %T PERAN KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL DALAM HUBUNGAN LONG DISTANCE MARRIAGE UNTUK MEWUJUDKAN KELUARGA SAKINAH (STUDI FENOMENOLOGI PADA PASANGAN SUAMI ISTRI DI DESA NGRAYUDAN, KABUPATEN NGAWI) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/59425/ %X The phenomenon of long-distance marriage has become common in Indonesia. Long-distance marriage refers to a situation where husband and wife live apart due to distance. Long-distance marriages are prevalent in rural communities, such as in Ngrayudan Village, Ngawi Regency. The majority of the villagers in Ngrayudan work as farmers as their main source of income. However, the fluctuating economic growth and low Human Development Index indicate developmental disparities in the area. This research was conducted in Ngrayudan Village, located at the foot of Mount Lawu. The research method used was phenomenological study, with three married couples serving as key informants. The three informants are the couples FY and TJ, IY and AR, and WS and JN. These couples are engaged in long-distance marriages due to economic factors. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and participatory observation. Online communication media played an active role for these couples in maintaining online communication with their partners through text messages, video calls, voice messages, and social media. The results of the research indicate that the interpersonal communication they engage in online has been effective in playing a crucial role in building trust between the married couples in longdistance marriages. Open, honest, and regular communication is key to maintaining emotional bonds and intimacy between the couples. %Z Pembimbing: Ahmad Zuhri M. I.Kom