%A NIM.: 19107010039 Risaldo %O Pembimbing: Aditya Dedy Nugraha, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psi. %T FAKTOR-FAKTOR PENDORONG PERILAKU JUDI SLOTS ONLINE PADA MASYARAKAT YANG BERPENGHASILAN DIBAWAH UMK %X The act of online slot gambling is the misuse of the internet, which refers to illegal actions, violates norms, and causes pathological symptoms. This study aims to examine the driving factors of online slot gambling behavior in the community with income below the minimum wage. The research method used is qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection is conducted through interview techniques, observation, and documentation. The informants involved in this study are 4 individuals who are residents with income below the minimum wage. The informant selection technique is done through purposive sampling. The results of the study indicate that the most significant driving factors affecting the informants are economic factors and environmental factors. In addition to these two main factors, there are other factors such as leisure time and low self-control (internal factors), as well as ease of access and the abundance of promotions (external factors). Someone who has played online slot gambling will experience two things: the euphoria of winning and the desire for revenge after losing. These two things then give rise to gambling behavior symptoms that fall into the pathological category. %K Perilaku Judi, Pemain Judi, Slots Online %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib59438