relation: title: REPRESENTASI MASYARAKAT KONSUMSI MELALUI GAYA HIDUP PENGGUNAAN KAIN TRADISIONAL “BERKAIN” PADA GEN Z creator: Valsauza Hazna Yollanda, NIM.: 19107030096 subject: Gaya Hidup subject: Komunikasi Budaya description: Representation can be seen and described from how humans communicate through appearance, conversation, or writing. The use of traditional cloth as a fulfillment of needs and desires for self-interest. This study examines the representation of consumption society through the lifestyle of young generation Z I the use of traditional cloth fashion that exists in the “Berkain” phenomenon in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the representation of consumption society through the lifestyle of using traditional cloth in generation Z. This study uses the theory of Consumption Society from Jean Baudrillard. The informant selection technique used Purposive Sampling Technique, where sampling was based on certain considerations and the technical objectives of the sample respondents were taken according to certain criteria, namely five young people of generation Z aged 11-26 years. The research method in this study is descriptive qualitative using data collection methods, namely interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the consumption society represents the attitude of young generation Z in the lifestyle of using traditional cloth in everyday life and at certain events. There are several functions of consumption not only as satisfying the desire to buy but having many commodities that function as a function of enjoyment, individual function, liberation of needs, self-gratification, wealth, or consumption of objects. In addition, it is analyzed with lifestyle in the behavior patterns of consumption society that shape a person’s behavior and activities in life related to social class, economic status, and honor. date: 2023-05-29 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Valsauza Hazna Yollanda, NIM.: 19107030096 (2023) REPRESENTASI MASYARAKAT KONSUMSI MELALUI GAYA HIDUP PENGGUNAAN KAIN TRADISIONAL “BERKAIN” PADA GEN Z. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.