@mastersthesis{digilib59535, month = {April}, title = {PENGARUH STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN LEARNING START A QUESTION TERHADAP KEAKTIFAN BERTANYA DAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN IPA SDN 064976 MEDAN}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 20204082032 Juni Sahla Nasution}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Siti Fatonah M.Pd}, keywords = {Strategi Learning Start a Question, Hasil Belajar, Keaktifan Bertanya}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/59535/}, abstract = {The process of achieving learning goals in the learning process is influenced by several factors, one of which is the learning strategy. Science learning at SDN 064976 Medan still uses conventional learning so that learning is considered less than optimal in achieving the expected learning objectives. The Learning Start a Question learning strategy is expected to be able to answer existing problems so that the learning process can run effectively and efficiently. This study aims to determine the effect of student learning outcomes and activeness in asking questions by using the Learning Start a Question learning strategy in science subjects at SDN 064976 Medan. The type of research used is Mix Methods, which combines quantitative and qualitative analysis. The research object used was fifth grade students at SDN 064976 with a total sample of 66 students. Data collection techniques used were documentation, interviews, and tests to measure student learning outcomes and students' activeness in asking questions. The data analysis technique used is the normality test, homogeneity, and t test. The results of this study indicate that student learning outcomes in science subject using the application of the Learning Start a Question strategy in class V SDN 064976 in terms of students' understanding of science concepts in the pre-test with an average score of 30.00 increased in post-test results with an average score of average 81.2. So, there is an influence of the implementation of the learning start a question strategy on learning outcomes. After testing the hypothesis at the significance level {\ensuremath{\alpha}} = 0.05, it is known that the ttable is 1,669. Based on the provisions of the table, the price of ttable is 1,669. From the results of calculating the price of t, obtained tcount{\ensuremath{>}} ttable or 4,721{\ensuremath{>}} 1,669. It can be concluded that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected at level {\ensuremath{\alpha}} = 0.05, which means that there is a significant effect of using the Learning Start a Question Learning Strategy on Student Learning Outcomes in Science Subjects at SD Negeri 064976 Medan. The results of data analysis on the use of the Learning Start a Question strategy can increase the activeness of asking students in learning. This can be seen from the observation check-list sheet analyzed by the researcher that the experimental class has a higher level of activeness in asking questions than the control class. It is caused by different treatment. In the experimental class, researchers used the Learning start a question strategy, while in the control class, they used conventional learning.} }