%A NIM.: 21204011044 Jusmeli Hartati %O Pembimbing: Dr. Ichsan, M.Pd %T PENGARUH RELIGIUSITAS ORANGTUA, PERGAULAN TEMAN SEBAYA DAN KETELADANAN GURU TERHADAP PERILAKU KEBERAGAMAAN PADA SISWA MTsN 3 SIJUNJUNG %X This research was motivated by the discovery of several cases of behavior of MTs N 3 Sijunjung students who were not in accordance with religious guidance while they had entered puberty and early adolescence so that researchers wanted to know what aspects influenced the religious behavior of students in MTsN 3 Sijunjung, the purpose of this study was to determine the influence of parental religiosity, peer association and teacher example on religious behavior in MTs N 3 Sijunjung. This study used quantitative research method causative data collected from 250 respondents. The renspondent selection technique uses random sampling. The research instrument was declared valid when the Rcalculate was above 0.361 and there were 65 valid statements, the four-valiabel reliable test was declared reliable because Cronbach's Alpha was above 0.7 after passing the pre-requisite test followed by a simple regression test and multiple regression. The results of the study based on t and f tests and (r-square) showed that (1) there was a significant influence between parental religiosity on religious behavior in MTs N 3 Sijunjung students. Significant values of 0.001 < 0.05 with the result of t values = 3.72 > 1.9 and f values = 13.8 > 2.6 and a large influence of 52.8%. (2) There is a significant influence between peer associations on students' religious behavior in MTs N 3 Sijunjung. Significant value 0.026 < 0.05 with the result of t value = 2.24 > 1.9 and f value = 5.01 > 2.6 and great influence 19.8%. (3) There is no influence between the teacher's example on the religious behavior of students in MTs N 3 Sijunjung. Significant value 0.939 > 0.05 t value = 0.0770 < 1.9 and f value = 0.00593 < 2.6 (4) There is an influence between parental religiosity, peer association, teacher example on the religious behavior of MTs N 3 Sijunjung students. Significant values of 0.001 < 0.05 with the result of t values = 3.65 > 1.96 and f values = 12.7 > 2.6 have a large influence of 13.37%. %K Religiusitas, Pergaulan Teman, Keteladanan Guru, Perilaku Keberagamaan %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib59540