@mastersthesis{digilib59603, title = {KETELADANAN GURU DAN KEDISIPLINAN SISWA: STRATEGI PENANAMAN NILAI KARAKTER BERBASIS SPIRITUALITAS TERHADAP PERMASALAHAN SISWA MTS MA?ARIF PRINGSURAT}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 20200012088 Lilih Witjati}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Ita Rodiah M.Hum,}, keywords = {Keteladanan Guru, Kedisiplinan Siswa, Nilai Karakter, Spiritualitas}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/59603/}, abstract = {To build teachers? exemplary and students? discipline, one of the strategies that can be done is to by instilling spirituality-based character values. This thesis examines about the strategies for instilling spirituality-based character values for student problems through the application of teachers? example and students? discipline at MTs Ma'arif Pringsurat. This research has a theoretical contribution to the discipline of Islamic educational psychology, especially in the realm of Islamic education institutions, namely the inculcation of spirituality-based character values exemplified by teachers has a major influence to the students? discipline and ability to overcome the problems. Edward L Thorndike's Behavioristic learning concept and Albert Bandura's Social-Cognitive learning concept were used in this study to understand the changes in behavior through modeling methods (behavior with models) with the aim of disciplining students who are influenced by the teacher's exemplary attitude as a form of manifestation of instilling spirituality-based character values. This study uses qualitative methods with descriptive-analytic techniques. Data collection was carried out using participatory observation techniques in daily learning activities, in-depth interviewing with school principals, vice principals, subject teachers, homeroom teachers, guidance counselors and students, as well as the documentation in teacher attendance books, incident log books and teacher daily journals. The form of data is words, notes, reports and documents obtained from the principal, vice principal, teacher, homeroom teacher and students of MTs Ma'arif Pringsurat. The credibility test of the data, namely the triangulation of techniques and sources. Data analysis in this study includes data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate: (1) the value of meaning in learning strategies and religious activities is able to instill character values so that they can suppress student problems. (2) The teachers? exemplary role and students? discipline are able to instill spirituality-based students? character at MTs Ma'arif Pringsurat. Through this research, the authors found that in instilling spirituality-based character values through the teachers? example and students? discipline must be integrated in daily life and related to the spiritual and emotional values created so that students are able to understand with meaning.} }