%A NIM.: 19106060039 Anita Rosiana Sabila %O Pembimbing: Dr. Ir. Ira Setyaningsih, S.T., M.Sc, IPM, ASEAN Eng. %T ANALISIS KUALITAS PELAYANAN MELALUI KEPUASAN PELANGGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE SERVICE QUALITY DAN ANALYTICAL HIERARCHY PROCESS (STUDI KASUS: ARKA COFFEE AND SPACE YOGYAKARTA) %X Arka Coffee and Space is a cafe located in the Tamansari area. The average number of visitors per day is 90 people. Judging from observing reviews through the Google and Gojek platforms, this cafe often gets criticized in terms of services such as employees who are less responsive, Musholla rooms that are dirty, the orders are wrong, and slow internet networks (wifi), so it is necessary to analyze the service quality through customer satisfaction. This study aims to determine the priority of attributes that need to be improved so that the customer will be satisfied, and provide proposed recommendations for improvement to improve services. Data is processing using the service quality method, the negative gap value is obtained on all attributes which indicates that the quality of service provided by this cafe cannot meet customer expectations. Assisted by the pareto principle, four priority attributes are taken to be processed using AHP, such as the availability of a clean Musholla (A5 / K1) with a gap value of -0.7467 and a priority weight value of 0.052, Arka Coffee and Space employees provide fast and precise service (B3 / K2) with a gap value of -0.5600 and a priority weight value of 0, 5600 and a priority weight value of 0.548, wide and smooth internet network coverage (wifi) (A4 / K3) with a gap value of -0.5333 and a priority weight value of 0.256, and the accuracy of the arrangement of attractive facilities (A2 / K4) with a gap value of -0.4267 and a priority weight value of 0.145. This research is also assisted by a fishbone diagram to determine the root cause of the problem and proposed improvement recommendations that can be implemented by the company in order to improve the quality of cafe services. %K Kualitas Pelayanan, Kepuasan Pelanggan, Servqual, AHP %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib59668