%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Muhammad Arby Darmawan, NIM.: 18103050003 %B FAKULTAS SYARI’AH DAN HUKUM %D 2023 %F digilib:59680 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Hukum Islam, Peran Ganda Istri, Nafkah %P 117 %T PANDANGAN HUKUM ISLAM TERHADAP PERAN GANDA ISTRI SEBAGAI PENCARI NAFKAH ( STUDI DI KAMPUNG PANDANSARI KOTA SEMARANG ) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/59680/ %X Maintenance is a form of gift given by a husband to his wife and children as a consequence of a valid marriage. This is emphasized in UUD No. 1 of 9174 concerning marriage and QS An-Nisa verse 34, that the husband’s duty is to protect and provide and living for his family, while the wife manages the household as well as possible. But in reality, we often find wives working to earn a living as happened in the village of Pandansari Semarang. This is certainly contrary to the two sources of law above. Based on this background, the author wants to examine “ The View Of Islamic Law On The Dual Role Of The Wife As a Breadwinner (A Case Study In Pandansari Village, Semarang) This type of research is field research using an emprical juridical approach. Data collection techniques in this study used 3 methods, the frist is the observation methods, namely the observation and recording carried out by the researcher on the object to be studied. The second is the interview, namely conducting interviews with sources such as wives who work. The third is documentation, namely taking photos as evidence to support research. Data analysis used in this study is a qualitative analysus using inductive methods. The results of this study are that the wives in pandansari village are allowed to word for a living because the causes and impacts that are used as benchmarks in determining the results of this study are in accordance with islamic law, basides that the wives also fulfill the requirements for allowing wives to work with get permission from the husband, the work is normal if it is done by women, and does not cause slander. %Z Pembimbing: HJ. Fatma Amilia, S.Ag., M.Si